SportMaster premium tennis court resurfacing and repair products are stocked and supported throughout the western and mountain region.
SportMaster tennis court surfaces are fortified with specifically graded silica sands for spin responsive and non-slip playing surfaces. The western and mountain region has some high-altitude areas where larger surface aggregates are desired to provide a ball bounce that is better for tennis players. Ask your local SportMaster representative about this and they can educate you about the best surfaces for your area.
Tennis Court Color Combinations | Western and Mountain Region
Tennis court surfaces seal and protect asphalt and concrete surfaces, and provide texture for the specific play of tennis. However, aesthetics from vibrant color coatings have also become a “fashion statement” and bolster facility pride. SportMaster has 16 standard colors to choose from, including the following popular combinations:
- Blue & Green
- Red & Green (traditional)
- Two-tone green
- Tournament Purple & Green
- (New) SportMaster ColorPlus Orange & Yellow
- And many more….
Check out the SportMaster Court Designer and find the color combination that works best for your tennis court surface:
For more information on products for tennis court resurfacing, repair, and construction, fill out the contact form on this page or call our toll free number for a location and tennis court contractor near you (800) 395-7325.
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