Tennis Court Construction

Tennis Court Construction | Backyard Court Builders

Are you looking for more detailed information and sources for tennis court construction & backyard court builders?  We can help to provide you with an overview of the process, and even better yet, qualified local referrals to tennis court builders.  These experienced tennis court professionals can best explain the process, based on your exact conditions and needs.  These court builders will set up a no-charge site visit and check out your property, so that they can ask you some important questions and look at your available space and potential limitations.  After a complete review of your wants, needs, and a thorough site visit, a free estimate will be provided.

Asphalt Guidelines for Athletic Uses | Tennis Court Construction

It is extremely important to get the right contractor for the job.  This is no different when it comes to tennis court construction, or building a basketball, pickleball, or other sports courts for athletic use.  There are differences in the construction methods of a tennis court vs. parking lots or driveways.  The specific tolerances are much tighter when it comes to many factors on athletic courts, and our recommended local court builders will be able to facilitate the entire project from beginning to end.  In our industry, the American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) is a group of professional landscape architects, sports contractors, and manufacturers that are dedicated to furthering quality construction and maintenance of tennis courts and other athletic facilities.  They have just updated new asphalt guidelines for athletic uses. By reviewing the asphalt guidelines, you can see how specific the tennis court construction process can be.  From sourcing the correct type, size, and shape of asphalt aggregate, to proper slope, compaction, air voids, and much more. For the sake of your investment, your due diligence goes a long way. As a manufacturer of tennis court surfaces, we want your new court to be outstanding, so let us refer you to experienced and qualified local tennis court builders and construction professionals.

Post-Tensioned and Reinforced Concrete | Tennis Court Construction

In some parts of the United States, you see primarily concrete tennis court construction.  Areas where soils are more expansive, post-tensioned concrete tennis courts are becoming the norm.  These courts are almost crack-free, since they are supported by a grid of cables within the concrete slab.  Once the concrete is set, a specific rate of tension is applied to the cables at a few different intervals. Once cured and properly prepared, the slab is ready to be surfaced with an acrylic SportMaster sport surfacing system.  There are many benefits to post-tensioned concrete including:

        • No expansion joints required
        • Very uniform surface and controlled slope for drainage
        • More resistant to cracking and settling

The downfall of concrete, in comparison to asphalt, is that the surface is harder on the body when playing tennis, basketball, and many other sports on it.  If the budget allows, you may want to consider installing an acrylic cushioned sport surfacing system to minimize the shock on feet, legs, joints, and the entire body.

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